Starfield's puddle glitch that will make you rich - Upcomer
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Bethesda’s latest game Starfield has been receiving incredible reviews. Many fans around the world are even saying it’s so polished that there’s no content to talk about. Whilst it might be a polished game, with very minimal issues, there’s a certain glitch that’s got players excited. This particular glitch involves a puddle, and can make you very rich!

The puddle that makes you rich

Starfield’s puddle glitch was first reported by Reddit user Heretic0.

The puddle sits outside Shepherd’s General Store in Akila City. By crouching down and clicking on the little pool of water, users can seemingly access all the supplies from the Shepherd’s General Store. But the supplies don’t cost anything. It’s almost as if the shop’s inventory is hidden within the puddle and you can take the lot.

Sell the items or use them yourself. You could easily sell the items and purchase a house nearby the store so you can store the loot taken from the puddle.

Magical loot from the puddle outside Shepherd’s General Store (Screenshot by Upcomer).

Comments pouring in on the Reddit post suggest there might be other generous loot-giving puddles. Most of these seem to be located in Akila City, so make sure you head out and explore. Reddit user Sensei_of_Knowledge suggests there is one down the road at Rowland Arms. User Rymanjan also mentions one down at the Saloon. There might be something in the water here at Akila City. Your best bet is to check every puddle in Akila City!

But hurry, these types of glitches don’t usually last long. Bethesda often releases updates and fixes. The next fix could likely remove this wealth providing puddle. With a game this size, there’s bound to be some glitches floating around. We’ll keep our eyes out for more fun glitches in the game. If you haven’t discovered any glitches in the meantime, check out our guides for obtaining the best early stage spacesuits, and stealing an enemy spaceship.

Michelle is a Content Producer in the realms of innovation and technology. Known as the “Hackathon Queen” 👑 you'll often find her on stage MC’ing or speaking on a range of topics from artificial intelligence, to business, community engagement, the future of work, and esports. With a background in both science and arts, Michelle writes extensively on a range of topics including innovation, startups, corporate culture, esports, business development, and more. She has a passion for gaming and combines this with her experience in a range of industries. Michelle brings a unique insight into esports innovation and draws many parallels between the physical world of sport, and the digital world of esports.