The best PDSW 58 loadout for Modern Warfare 2 Ranked Play
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It’s safe to say that there are two dominant weapons currently running the meta in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Ranked Play. If you’ve played any Ranked or watched the Call of Duty League in any capacity, then you know the TAQ-56 and Vaznev-9K are the meta choices. However, some players have been cooling down on those two guns, as that’s all that they or anyone else uses. As a result, players have been looking for some off-meta weapons to use in Ranked. If you fall into this crowd, I recommend trying out the PDSW 58 submachine gun and its best overall loadout for Ranked Play.

Compared to other submachine guns in Ranked Play, the PDSW 58 lacks slightly in the damage department. It also has some trouble keeping up at close range with the likes of the VEL 46, so you will want to ensure that you have enough mobility on your loadout to make it a viable option in those situations.

To see the full loadout for the PDSW 58 in Ranked Play, keep reading below.

Best PDSW 58 loadout for MW2 Ranked Play

  • Muzzle: Bruen Pendulum
  • Stock: CQB Stock
  • Rear Grip: STIP-40 Grip
  • Comb: TV TACCOMB
  • Optic: Cronen Mini Pro (optional)

There are two primary stats that are being increased with this loadout, accuracy and mobility. For accuracy, there is the Bruen Pendulum muzzle, which reduces both horizontal and vertical recoil at the cost of mobility. Next, there is the STIP-40 Grip, which also boosts recoil control. Of course, those two attachments do come at a cost of mobility.

Luckily, the next two attachments make up for anything lost. The CQB Stock and TV TACCOMB both boost aim down sights time and sprint-to-fire speed, giving players a nice bump in mobility. You can also use a sight if you wish; I chose the Cronen Mini Pro for its minimalist look, but you also go with a Rail attachment as well if that’s your preference.

While this PDSW 58 loadout won’t be quicker than a Vaznev-9K or more lethal at range than a TAQ-56, it will be able to do some damage in Ranked Play.

Joey Carr is a full-time writer for multiple esports and gaming websites. He has 7+ years of experience covering esports and traditional sporting events, including DreamHack Atlanta, Call of Duty Championships 2017, and Super Bowl 53.