Ruined King target selection bug is "being worked on" - Upcomer
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The developers of Riot Games’ turn-based RPG Ruined King: A League of Legends Story are aware of a gameplay bug wherein players are unable to select a target in battle. This renders them unable to select which enemy unit to attack and which allied unit to heal and/or buff, severely limiting players’ capability to strategize in combat.

Thus far players have reportedly experienced this target selection bug on the game’s three console platforms: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation and Xbox. It is also present in the Steam release, though it only shows up when players are using a controller; mouse and keyboard users have not reported experiencing the bug. Currently, the only known fix is to restart the game and resume from your last save.

Luckily for Ruined King players, the developers are currently working on a more permanent fix for the bug.

“This bug is known and being worked on,” said a Riot Games spokesperson. “We will communicate on our Riot Forge channels when we have an ETA for the fix.”

Ruined King's turn-based combat screen
Ruined King’s turn-based combat screen. | Provided by Riot Forge

Ruined King was developed by Airship Syndicate and published by Riot Games. It is an RPG set in the world of League of Legends, first announced at The Game Awards in 2019. It follows six of the game’s champions – Miss Fortune, Illaoi, Pyke, Braum, Yasuo and Ahri – as they find themselves battling back a rapidly spreading corruption called the Black Mist. The game is set in Bilgewater and its surrounding areas. Players move around with a party of three characters to battle enemies in turn-based combat.

Ruined King is part of Riot Games’ push to expand its flagship game’s lore, alongside big releases like Netflix’s Arcane, which was recently confirmed to have a second season. The next game coming from Riot Forge will be Convergence: A League of Legends Story – an action platformer starring the time-bending Ekko.

Just a fun guy who likes playing games and also likes writing about people playing games.