How to get Twitch Drops from the HCS Anaheim 2022 weekend
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The next major North America Halo tournament is taking place this weekend and, much like the Halo Championship Series Raleigh tournament that kicked off Halo Infinite esports, drops are coming back for multiplayer fans throughout HCS Anaheim 2022. The event stretches from Feb. 11-13 and the drops will be available on three official Halo Twitch streams.

How to get drops for Infinite

This time around, the skins available reflect on the winter season for the HCS. Similar to the drops for Raleigh, longer times spent watching will earn you more skins and drops.

After watching the streams long enough for the drops to appear, the Twitch notification should appear at the top right of your browser. This will redirect you to the Drops section of your Twitch account, where you can connect your Xbox account to your Twitch account and redeem the drops. If you connect the wrong account, you can go to Connections and disconnect the one you first used. Then, next time a drop comes in, you can reconnect it.

The Anaheim drop rewards

The first drop, for one hour of watch time, is the HCS Winter Assault Rifle skin. With the quad-color look of black, white, blue and red, these skins stand out in comparison to the original skins.  For two hours of watch time, the second drop is the HCS Winter Sidekick, for the pistol. The final skin drop, for three hours of watch time, is the HCS Winter Battle Rifle skin. All these drops can be collected from any of the three designated Twitch Halo streams, which include the Halo, HCS and Xbox streams.

But these skins aren’t the only drop rewards for HCS Anaheim. If you watch an HCS partnered co-streamer for an hour on the weekend, you get a new nameplate and emblem. Dubbed the Championship Chalice, with a blue, white and red color scheme, it matches the skins from the first set of drops. The co-streams will have the “drops available” tag in order to view.

Lastly, if you tune in for an hour of the grand finals of HCS Anaheim, you’ll get a drop of an HCS Celebration pose. This would only be available on Feb. 13, on the grand finals, so be sure to tune in to collect all the drops from this event.

Polish-Canadian game enthusiast. I've been entrenched in gaming for as long as I can remember, with my first game being Pokemon Yellow and my most played games being Borderlands 2 and Overwatch. I have a degree in Film Studies, but writing about esports just makes my job all the better.