How to get and use Mounts in Lost Ark
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After its recent western release, Lost Ark is all the rage on Steam, Twitch and YouTube. The title has been fully released for years but was limited to the Korean market. On Feb. 11, anyone in the world with a Steam account can access the MMORPG and traverse the world of Arkesia. While you can certainly choose how to do this yourself, many Lost Ark players find using a mount is the best way to do this.

Mounts are a focal point in most MMORPG titles, save for New World, perhaps. Lost Ark has a wide selection of mounts for you to acquire and use as you see fit. However, you won’t just be given mounts throughout the game. You need to know how to get them and then how to ride them in Lost Ark. Luckily, the guide below goes over all of the pertinent information.

Acquiring Mounts in Lost Ark

If you’re worried about being forced to walk around the world of Arkesia for a long time before acquiring a mount, worry no longer. You receive your first mount, a horse with your choice of color, as a part of one of the first required story missions. You receive the mount when you reach the town of Prideholme.

Your first horse won’t be anything special, featuring average speed. It’s easily the best way to traverse the first section of Lost Ark, though. In order to acquire new mounts throughout the game, you simply need to undertake any quest you see. Certain main story quests and even some side quests feature mounts as a reward.

However, if you don’t mind spending some extra money, you can also purchase mounts from the in-game store. These mounts feature faster movement speed on average than most other free mounts you receive in Lost Ark. While this isn’t a pay-to-win purchase, faster mounts do make your life much easier in the MMORPG.

To equip whatever mount you want, press “Alt + V” on your keyboard. This will bring up the mount menu where you can select what steed you want to ride. Once you’ve done that, the mount will be added to your hotbar for ease of use.

Joey Carr is a full-time writer for multiple esports and gaming websites. He has 7+ years of experience covering esports and traditional sporting events, including DreamHack Atlanta, Call of Duty Championships 2017, and Super Bowl 53.