The Finals developers make aim assist changes after backlash - Upcomer
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The Finals has been an overall success since launch, with FPS gamers flocking to the new shooter thanks to its fast-paced matches, interesting weapons, and the chance to completely demolish buildings. There have been some complaints along the way however, including aim assist being far too OP.

The Finals developers have decided to address aim assist with a quick update and have promised more on the way.

Aim assist nerfed in The Finals

Gamers have been complaining about the aim assist for controller players being far too strong and developers have finally answered with an update.

“These changes are the result of an in-depth review of how aim assist works — something we’ve only been able to validate with a player base as large as ours,” developers wrote.

Here are the aim assist changes:

  • Unintended rapid 90-degree turns are now prevented thanks to Zoom Snaping Angular Velocity having a max cap
  • Camera Magnetism reduced to 35%, making aim less sticky and lowering controller accuracy
  • Zoom Snapping Time reduced to 0.25 seconds; this is also removed from certain weapons
  • Aim assist will ignore invisible players
  • Gamers cannot have access to aim assist on PC if they’re running key re-mapping programs

Developers added that a bigger update will be coming next week but hope this will be enough to make controller players less dominant.

The response has been largely positive so far, with gamers offering applause at not only the aim assist changes but feeling listened to by a gaming studio. Others, however, are a little concerned that controller players will have a disadvantage over keyboard and mouse players now.

We’ll have to wait and see how these changes truly impact the balance of the game.