Red Bull Flick - International CS:GO tournament launches in Australia
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There’s a new game mode for CS:GO, called Hold the Flag, and it’s launching in Australia with a tournament. Hold The Flag is a King-of-the-Hill style mode complete with five new maps. This new mode is the stage for Red Bull’s new international esports tournament. It’s called Red Bull Flick, and this grassroots esports tournament is now open for registrations.

Red Bull Flick and Hold The Flag

So why are these two things launching together? Well Hold The Flag brings five new maps to CS:GO. Red Bull Flick is utilizing this new game mode for the tournament. The competition is a 2v2 tournament giving amateur players around the world to compete with the best pro players. The new maps come with a unique suite of settings too. Red Bull Flick was launched last year, and has taken place in many countries around the world. This year it’s a chance to compete with the best. Plus it’s for all the fans and players in Australia. Each team of two must compete in Hold The Flag game mode where they need to secure and defend their flag point for 45 seconds. The new maps have been specifically set up to host this type of combat.

Registrations for the tournament are open and you can sign up now, however, only Aussies can currently compete. Judging by the “global” nature of Red Bull Flick however, if there hasn’t been one in your country yet, we can assume there will be one in your home town soon. If you’re not from Australia, then you can watch all the action. Players will be battling it out to score a custom built PC and shot a glory. Games will be live on the Red Bull Twitch channel from November 16-19 and 23-26 for the qualifiers and November 29 for the finals.

Check out all the new maps

The Red Bull Flick competition is your chance to check out the CS:GO maps, and meet some celebrities. There’s gamer TV host Stephanie “Hex” Bendixsen, Chief’s Player/Streamer Mitch Robinson, and Twitch streamers Paladin Amber, Iamfallfromgrace, and Tom “Apocdud” Henry. If you’re keen to find out more about the maps, plus hear some top tips and strategies, tune into the Red Bull Twitch channel on November 10.

Red Bull has run a few similar tournaments in the past with their Solo Q competition. And with ESL Australia on board for the ride, this is certainly shaping up to be some hard fought gameplay. Tune in for all the action this November and follow Red Bull on Twitter for lots of updates.

Michelle is a Content Producer in the realms of innovation and technology. Known as the “Hackathon Queen” 👑 you'll often find her on stage MC’ing or speaking on a range of topics from artificial intelligence, to business, community engagement, the future of work, and esports. With a background in both science and arts, Michelle writes extensively on a range of topics including innovation, startups, corporate culture, esports, business development, and more. She has a passion for gaming and combines this with her experience in a range of industries. Michelle brings a unique insight into esports innovation and draws many parallels between the physical world of sport, and the digital world of esports.