Hearthstone Grandmasters Week 6 crowns glory, Rdu and NoHandsGamer
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After three days of live broadcasts, Sato “glory” Kenta, Radu “Rdu” Dima and Luke “NoHandsGamer” Kooken became the Hearthstone Grandmasters Week 6 regional champions.

Like the previous week, the matches were played using the Last Hero Standing format. This involved choosing different classes to take down all of an opponent’s decks. The player who finished with best score out of five games advanced in the tournament.

Weekly format and rules. Image provided by Blizzard Entertainment

Glory sweeps with OTK Demon Hunter 

When it came to the final match between glory and Chiang “Alan870806” Shih-Hsun in Hearthstone Grandmasters Asia-Pacific, glory swept his opponent 3-0.

The winning player opted for his OTK Demon Hunter deck in every game. During the first game, glory drew into his combo and won against Alan870806’s Mage.

Next, Alan870806 went for his Miracle Rogue, creating pressure and chipping away at his opponent’s health total, thanks to minions on his side of the board. When glory cleared the board, his opponent prepared for another wave of minions. However, it wasn’t enough as glory drew into his combo and achieved lethal.

Hearthstone Grandmasters Week 6 crowns glory, Rdu and NoHandsGamer
Glory versus Alan870806. Image provided by Blizzard Entertainment

The third and final game between the two finalists was won in a similar manner, as glory defeated his opponent’s Control Warlock deck. On glory’s sixth turn, he played Il’gynoth, Talented Arcanist for increased spell damage, Mo’arg Artificer cards and Felscream Blast, for 36 points of damage to his opponent’s face.

Rdu’s Spell Mage reverse sweep

Over in the European region, both Rdu and Elias “Bozzzton” Sibelius duked it out against each other in the finals.

In the first game, Rdu opted to go with his Warrior deck while his opponent went with Rogue. Bozzzton earned the first point after controlling the board and chipping at his Rdu’s health total.

Although Rdu chose to go with his own Rogue deck in the following game, the point in the mirror match went to Bozzzton. Rdu stepped it up in the third game to prevent a full sweep, and he was able to get back in the game using his Spell Mage deck.

Rdu’s Spell Mage. Image provided by Blizzard Entertainment

The fourth game was Mage versus Mage, and Rdu won the game with the help of a Fireball at his opponent’s remaining minion on the board. He then played Mask of C’Thun on an empty board, allowing all the damage to go face.

When it all came down to the final game between Rdu and Bozzzton, it was Spell Mage versus OTK Demon Hunter. Although Bozzzton had his combo pieces at hand and played them, Rdu’s Counterspell went into effect. Earlier on, Counterspell was created by Ring Toss, helping Rdu thwart his opponent’s OTK combo.

NoHandsGamer wins Hearthstone Grandmasters Americas

As for Hearthstone Grandmasters Americas, NoHandsGamer achieved victory after several games against Facundo “Nalguidan” Pruzzo.

During the first game, NoHandsGamer went into fatigue and needed burn damage to finish off his opponent. Refreshing Spring Water followed Onyx Magescribe, which gave him two random spells from the Mage class. However, Refreshing Spring Water also pushed NoHandsGamer further into fatigue damage and the first point soon went to Nalguidan.

Hearthstone Grandmasters Week 6 crowns glory, Rdu and NoHandsGamer
NoHandsGamer versus Nalguidan. Image provided by Blizzard Entertainment

Next, it was Priest versus Priest, and NoHandsGamer tied the score 1-1. This prompted Nalguidan to play his Mage deck against NoHandsGamer’s Control Priest in the third game. Mage was not enough to defeat NoHandsGamer, as the latter player held onto Blademaster Samuro and later buffed it to clear most of his opponent’s minions.

After Nalguidan tied the score 2-2 in the following game using Token Druid against Control Priest, NoHandsGamer brought out his Libram Paladin deck.

Despite the token minions on his opponent’s side of the board during the midgame, NoHandsGamer didn’t give in. He cleared most of the minions with the help of Blademaster Samuro. Although his opponent created another board in the late game, it wasn’t enough as NoHandsGamer went for lethal with the aid of a buffed Taunt minion.

With this victory, NoHandsGamer became the Hearthstone Grandmasters Week 6 regional champion, alongside glory and Rdu.

Amy Chen is an esports journalist and enthusiast who specializes in in-depth interviews and breaking news. A University of Toronto and Humber College graduate, she is passionate about building up the Canadian esports industry. Her current favorite games are Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm, and she has always had a soft spot for World of Warcraft!
