Call of Duty: Vanguard weapons will have 10 attachments in Warzone
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Wednesday night, the Season 6 update was released in both Call of Duty: Warzone and Black Ops Cold War. This is the final installment for Cold War, as Vanguard’s launch date of Nov. 5 is rapidly approaching. So much so, that Raven Software has seemingly let a leak slip through that gives fans some insight into how the Vanguard weaponry will work in Warzone.

Like with Cold War, Vanguard and Warzone will be integrated near the beginning of Season 1 in November/December. This means that all of Vanguard’s weapons, equipment and other aspects will make their way into Warzone. However, as Vanguard features some different mechanics than the previous two integrated Warzone games, fans were curious as to how the integration would work.

While those questions aren’t totally answered, a new in-game leak lets fans know how the Warzone gunsmith will work with Vanguard weapons.

How Vanguard weapons will work in Warzone

The leak originated from the fact that players can equip Vanguard weapons in Season 6. The STG44, a Vanguard AR, was one of the main weapons that could be equipped in the gunsmith of Warzone. When this was discovered, fans were also able to actually access the attachment screen for the STG44. This is only accessible in a private match.

From here, the STG44 was able to equip attachments. To be more specific, a total of 10 attachments are equipable on the weapon, which is the norm in Vanguard multiplayer. Although, fans weren’t sure if this would apply to Warzone or not, as Cold War weapons are only able to have five attachments.

This seems to unofficially confirm that Vanguard weapons in Warzone will be able to equip 10 attachments. It remains unclear what this means for the Vanguard integration of Warzone. Will the current Modern Warfare weapons of the game receive the additional five attachment slots to match the Vanguard weapons? Or could those weapons be scrapped entirely and the Vanguard weapons take over for the new era of Warzone?

These questions should be answered within the coming month or so but fans shouldn’t expect too much intel before Vanguard’s release.

Joey Carr is a full-time writer for multiple esports and gaming websites. He has 7+ years of experience covering esports and traditional sporting events, including DreamHack Atlanta, Call of Duty Championships 2017, and Super Bowl 53.