Cyberpunk 2077 apologizes for poor performance, offers refunds
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Players who bought Cyberpunk 2077 on last-gen consoles have noticed the game isn’t running all that well. Even though the game has been out for less than a week, bugs, glitches, and low-resolution graphics have been plaguing players on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Now developer CD Projekt Red has issued an apology for the underperforming game.

In an official statement, the developer says, “First of all, we would like to start by apologizing to you for not showing the game on base last-gen consoles before it premiered and, in consequence, now allowing you to make a more informed decision about your purchase. We should have paid more attention to making it play better on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.”

Cyberpunk 2077 refund

The studio then promised that it will be releasing several updates to Cyberpunk 2077. The first of these updates are available for players now and focus on fixing bugs and crashes. Another update is coming within the next week or so, with more arriving as improvements are made.

After the holiday season, two major patches will be coming, first in January and then in February. CD Projekt Red claims that these patches “should fix the most prominent problems gamers are facing on last-gen consoles.” The studio admits that the patches won’t make Cyberpunk 2077 match next-gen console graphics. However, it will improve the overall experience for players.

Cyberpunk 2077 refunds over bugs and performance

CD Projekt Red revealed that for those who do not wish to wait for the patches and updates they can get a full refund of the game. Players who purchased the game digitally can get a refund through the PlayStation Network or Xbox Games Store. For physical copies of the game, the studio recommends players try returning it to the store where they bought it from. If they are unable to, CD Projekt Red is telling players to contact [email protected] and they will try to help facilitate a refund. The studio is only offering to help until December 21, giving fans less than a week to decide.

Players looking to get a little more from their game on PC, we have a great guide to boost your fps. For all our coverage on the gaming sensation, stay tuned to Daily Esports.

Ryan Hay is a writer and content creator currently living in New York. Video games, anime, and Magic: The Gathering have all been strong passions in his life and being able to share those passions with others is his motivation for writing. You can find him on Twitter where he complains about losing on MTG Arena a lot.