Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War leak provides multiplayer details
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There seems to be no end to the leaks regarding Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. All throughout today, the community has been graced with a flurry of information on the title. From the release date to Warzone details to multiplayer elements, the flood gates are officially open. In the latest set of leaks, some huge multiplayer news has been made public. Details on the Dead Silence Perk, Mini-Map, and are out in the open. While not confirmed, the information is coming from multiple sources.

Black Ops Cold War multiplayer details

While this morning’s round of leaks derived from the game files of Modern Warfare, this set seems to originate from some leaked gameplay. As we previously reported, an event has already been put on for Black Ops Cold War multiplayer. So, it makes sense that gameplay has surfaced as a result.

Multiple sources have claimed to see the gameplay, indicating that is indeed legitimate. However, we still need to take the intel with a grain of salt.

The most prominent leaker behind the information is none other than TheGamingRevolution. He’s been quiet for some time but now he’s back and giving us some juicy details about multiplayer.

According to the leaker, he’s already seen the leaked gameplay and was able to discover some interesting details. For starters, Dead Silence is back in the game as a perk. Modern Warfare didn’t have this feature and the community was not happy, so it seems Treyarch is getting out in front of that.

Next, it appears the original Mini-Map from the older titles could be back. This likely means no Fog-Of-War or the strange map that Modern Warfare features. However, we can’t be certain that it’s exactly like some previous Call of Duty games.

Lastly, it looks like Ground War is back along with some new scorestreaks. Ground War will presumably be like Modern Warfare, where huge counts of players battle it out on large scale maps. This could be complemented nicely by the reportedly new scorestreaks. According to TheGamingRevolution, these streaks will reward those who stay alive longer rather than those who solely play the objective.

Other leaks surface

In addition to what TheGamingRevolution stated, other Call of Duty accounts are putting out additional information. CDL Intel on Twitter claims he saw the leaked Black Ops Cold War gameplay and noticed the following:

You can also check out SalvationsElite’s video for more details on the gameplay. The leaks could certainly keep rolling in, so make sure to stay tuned to Daily Esports for all updates.

Joey Carr is a full-time writer for multiple esports and gaming websites. He has 7+ years of experience covering esports and traditional sporting events, including DreamHack Atlanta, Call of Duty Championships 2017, and Super Bowl 53.