Twisted Fate stacks the deck as Legends of Runeterra's latest champion
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Bilgewater, Legends of Runeterra‘s first and newest region to join the roster of Valoran factions, has yet another iconic champion joining its ranks. Twisted Fate, the famous card-slinging control mage, is making his way to the game’s first expansion. Riot revealed his full mechanics with a Twitter post and a reveal video.

An ace up your sleeve

Twisted Fate continues the pattern of Bilgewater having slow-building, combo-enabling threats. He also gives you additional card advantage in order to help close the game early. He’s a 4-cost 2/2 unit with quick attack. As such, while he’s slow to get on the board initially, he offers some offensive protection against small tokens and followers. Plus, when Twisted Fate has seen you draw 8+ cards, he transforms into a blazing quick spell slinger.

Transformed Twisted Fate is a 4-cost 3/2 unit with quick attack and a very unique ability. For the first three spells that you cast every turn, Twisted Fate draws and plays one of his iconic magical cards. The cards come in three colors, just like in League of Legends.

Pick a card, any card

Twisted Fate’s Blue Card is a simple cantrip that restores one spell mana and draws a card. This can help make an expensive spell effectively cheaper when triggered, or refund a cheap one entirely. Meanwhile, the Red Card deals one damage to all enemies and the enemy nexus. This skill can help clear the way for Twisted Fate to attack, especially when combined with other removal. And just like in League, his most powerful card is the Gold Card. This time, it stuns and deals 2 damage to the strongest enemy unit.

These powerful effects allow you to weave efficient spells – like those offered by Noxus, Ionia, and other Bilgewater cards – into an explosive combination. Meanwhile, Twisted Fate strikes in to help keep your opponent on a clock and under pressure.

The official launch of Legends of Runeterra, as well as its initial expansion, The Rising Tides, arrives on April 30. Stay tuned to Daily Esports for the latest updates and information.