Modern Warfare's new master camo to arrive in mid-season update
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Modern Warfare developers have finally given the community an estimated date on when the new master camo will arrive. Infinity Ward has teased the new camo for over a month on social media, and now we know it’s scheduled to arrive in the mid-season three update. This update should roll out in the next few weeks.

Infinity Ward’s Joe Cecot confirmed on Twitter that the new camo should take a long time for players to achieve. Moreover, he also stated that the weapon needs to be at least gold to achieve the new camo. In other words, you don’t need to unlock gold for every gun in a set to achieve this new camo.

Modern Warfare fans have been asking for another master camo, as Damascus has been seemingly easy for players to unlock. Once you achieve Damascus in multiplayer, you no longer have any weapon challenges to work towards. This has frustrated many Modern Warfare players who want to continue to grind in the game.

We don’t yet know what challenges will be needed to unlock this new master camo, especially since Damascus doesn’t need to be unlocked to achieve it. However, Cecot seems certain that you won’t achieve it in a few days.

Master Camo and Gunsmith Customs coming soon

Joel Emslie also confirmed that the new master camo would come in the mid-season update. Additionally, he confirmed that Frankenstein ‘Gunsmith Customs’ will come alongside the new camo.

The ‘Gunsmith Customs’ update will allow players to combine different blueprints and weapon skins. The weapon will come with its own strengths and weaknesses, and you can change it further with modifiers. Unfortunately, there isn’t much other information out yet about this new camo or the gunsmith customization. All we know is that they’re coming soon.

New master camo coming to modern warfare

To keep up with Modern Warfare updates, stay tuned to Daily Esports.

Danny Appleford is an esports journalist for Upcomer that started writing for Daily Esports in 2020. He now specializes in articles surrounding League of Legends, Call of Duty, VALORANT and Halo.