Luka Doncic tweets about high queue times in Overwatch
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In one of the most controversial moves in the history of Overwatch, Blizzard introduced the 2-2-2 Role Queue. While Role Queue has certainly helped the game in some ways, it has also substantially increased the time it takes to find a game. Superstar basketball player Luka Doncic addressed this in a tweet today.

In the tweet, he states “the worst thing in overwatch is 10 min search for the game and then somebody leave the game.” For those who don’t play Overwatch, when someone leaves a game shortly after it begins, the game gets canceled and players have to queue again. Luka Doncic is known to play damage heroes.

For damage players, this is a big deal because their queue times often run over 10 minutes. Even healer queues often go over five minutes. Jeff Kaplan has discussed this issue in the past, but Overwatch doesn’t have an answer to the problem yet.

Can Overwatch fix this problem?

In the first experimental card in Overwatch, players got to toy with a 3-2-1 role queue with three damage heroes and one tank. This is something that could help with queue times, but it would have other dramatic effects on the game.

In recent patches, Blizzard has also made attempts to shorten game times by lowering how much time teams get to select their heroes. They have also dropped the time teams get in extra rounds on Assault Maps.

There will likely be other experimental cards in the future that aim to solve this problem. There is also Overwatch 2, which will likely come out sometime later this year or early next year.

Hopefully, for the sake of Luka Doncic and the rest of the damage players out there, Blizzard can find something that works. At the very least, they could give players priority queues if their games got canceled.