Magic: The Gathering's latest Secret Lair is filled with your favorite cards
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Wizards of the Coast has announced a new Magic: The Gathering (MTG) Secret Lair set. The name alone should let everyone know that Magic went deep for the April Fools’ Day joke. Ready? It is called Wizards of the Coast Presents: After Great Deliberation, We Have Compiled and Remastered the Greatest Magic: The Gathering Cards of All Time, Ever. Take a breath — that was a lot to read. Alright, let’s see what Wizards of the Coast has prepared for the best Magic: The Gathering set of all time.

Magic Secret Lair April Fools Wizards of the Coast Presents: After Great Deliberation, We Have Compiled and Remastered the Greatest Magic: The Gathering Cards of All Time, Ever

Oh. Well, it looks pretty at least.

This Secret Lair set includes four full-art, alternate art versions of some of the greatest cards no one wants. Each card has brand new art from amazing Magic artists including the following:

  • Storm Crow with art by Jesper Ejsing
  • Goblin Snowman with art by Victor Adame Minguez
  • Mudhole with art by Titus Lunter
  • Squire with art by Noah Bradley

Magic‘s GOAT collection?

For the release, Wizards of the Coast called it a “goofiness cascade.” The post goes on to make the lofty claim that “physically printing these cards would result in a hilarious tear in the fabric of reality, causing the very concept of time, Magic, and Taco Tuesday to become completely meaningless.”

The WotCP:AGDWHCaRtGM:TGCoATE Secret Lair won’t be for sale either in stores or online. In the future, Wizards will be sending the set to WPN stores at no charge. Stores will be able to use them however they wish. Wizards did not have a timetable for it but instead will wait until “we’ve all safely gotten past this outbreak.”

We also have the details on the previous Secret Lair: Ultimate Edition, which is filled with alternate art fetch lands. Until then, Wizards of the Coast implores players to support and donate to the American Red Cross. The Red Cross has been accepting both monetary and blood donations while providing help to relief services to people in need. 

For more Magic: The Gathering news and April Fools’ jokes, make sure to follow Daily Esports.

Ryan Hay is a writer and content creator currently living in New York. Video games, anime, and Magic: The Gathering have all been strong passions in his life and being able to share those passions with others is his motivation for writing. You can find him on Twitter where he complains about losing on MTG Arena a lot.