Shipment map in Modern Warfare releases with terrible spawns - Upcomer
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Modern Warfare‘s latest Season 1 update is here and brings tons of new content with it. Returning are two beloved maps, Vacant and Shipment, plus the fast-paced game mode Cranked, and fans were excited. However, upon hopping in and playing, players came to the sullen realization that something is terribly wrong. As soon as any player loaded up Shipment, they were instantly greeted by some of the worst spawns in Call of Duty history. Granted, Shipment spawns have always been chaotic; though, in Modern Warfare, things are far more drastic. Infinity Ward has some explaining to do with how Shipment released.

Shipment spawns are a disaster

Given how tiny a map Shipment is, bad spawns are inevitable. There are only so many spots players can spawn when the map is one-twelfth the normal size. However, this doesn’t excuse the state Modern Warfare‘s Shipment released in.

Reports are coming in from all social media saying they can’t move in Shipment due to be killed immediately upon spawning in. While the action is fast-paced, something fans have been asking for, Shipment is almost unplayable at times.

Thousands of clips have been posted by players but this video by Reddit user Zoshii sums up the experience perfectly.

Shipment summed up in one video
byu/Zoshii inmodernwarfare

As we can see from the clip, the player has no chance to gather their bearings once they die. Once a team has control of the map, it’s nearly impossible for the other side to regain authority. A cycle of dying immediately at spawn begins until the match ends or players start leaving early.

This is clearly a big problem, as Shipment is a popular map that many fans want to play. Although, in its current state, it’s simply not fun. Infinity Ward needs to fix the spawns in Shipment within the next few days to avoid even more criticism thrown their way.

Have you played Shipment yet? Let us know, and keep up with Daily Esports for all Modern Warfare coverage.

Joey Carr is a full-time writer for multiple esports and gaming websites. He has 7+ years of experience covering esports and traditional sporting events, including DreamHack Atlanta, Call of Duty Championships 2017, and Super Bowl 53.