League of Legends reveals Clash global beta for December
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As announced in Riot Games’ latest /dev article for League of Legends, Clash is entering global beta this preseason. Clash is the new tournament mode for teams, and unlike in previous encounters, it will be available for testing on all regions simultaneously. The test will be split into two weekends, with the first happening Dec. 7-8 and the second coming up right after. Additionally, Riot promises new exclusive rewards that will only be available during the testing weekends.

A rundown of plans for Clash

A redesign, internal tests, and regional testing are among things Riot has already accomplished with Clash. We are currently at the Global Beta phase where players on all servers will get the chance to compete for exclusive rewards in the updated Summoner’s Rift. That’s right — Clash will already feature the Rise of the Elements changes promised in the 10-year anniversary announcement. We have already written about the changes, so make sure to read up on that.

Riot also detailed the last point of its plan, which is the official launch. The open beta test will supposedly give the developer a clearer idea of how Clash works under actual stress. They’re going to take enough time to fix any potential issues to smooth it out even further. Clash is expected to launch in the first few months of 2020, should no issues come up.

League of Legends Clash Open Beta Riot Games

A plethora of issues in the past

Clash had its fair share of issues since its first release attempts back in 2018. After several attempts to force its way back, Riot decided to systematically improve the issues. Improving the stability, the design, and load management were key parts to bringing it back. Riot held many small regional tests in this season, with the most important taking place on EU servers. Fortunately, EU servers finally held up, and the mode is now ready to be tested on all servers at the same time.

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