Epic extends Fortnite Season 11 black hole timer to Thursday
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A clue implies Fortnite servers will be down for over three days. Is it true? Fortnite’s dramatic Season 11 reveal has been anything but typical. During the last moments of the season, players and the map were swept away into a massive black hole at 2 p.m EST. With the event being nicknamed “The End,” Epic Games is doing a fantastic job of role-playing Fortnite‘s disappearance. The company even went so far as to wipe their official Twitter account completely clean, removing over 12,000 tweets during the day.

Game servers are currently down without further explanation. Visiting Epic’s server status page doesn’t provide much context either, with monitoring statuses being replaced with a cryptic message — “Anomaly Detected.”

Despite having very little communication coming from Epic, the community isn’t giving up on trying to shine some light on the situation. Dataminer Lucas7yoshi had found evidence in the code was that the event would end on Tuesday. However, Epic changed has their website source code to include Thursday as a potential end date, leaving fans terrified.

Will Fortnite be delayed until Thursday morning?

Take a deep breath. In short — it’s extremely unlikely.

Epic Games has grasped the gaming community’s attention with a clever marketing campaign. Going so far as to keep game servers down for over three days would be shooting themselves in the foot though. It serves little financial benefit and may frustrate their player base.

It’s not likely this is a desperate attempt to buy time, either. Season 11 has already been delayed, meaning the dev team has had more time than usual to work out any last-minute issues.

What else could the end date mean?

One of the most popular theories regarding Season 11 is the possibility of a brand new map. This theory has been floating around social media ever since a dataminer found new location names. They also located a loading screen set in a seemingly unfamiliar area.

It’s entirely possible the beginning of the map will be interactive, allowing players to watch lore unfold in real time during their matches. Remember the CUBE? We might be looking at several map changes over the next few days before stabilizing on Thursday.

While we’re left guessing, Tyler “Ninja” Blevins tweeted an extremely vague hint for “Fortnite Chapter 2″ following 250,000 likes on a previous tweet. It is “tacos.”

Do you think Epic Games would risk leaving servers down all the way till Thursday to raise hype for Fortnite Season 11?
