Apex Legends event trailer shows map changes, bonus XP weekend, more
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The Iron Crown Collection event begins in Apex Legends today, introducing the game’s first-ever Solo mode. It also brings a ton of new stuff in the form of cosmetics, challenges and map changes. And, as is becoming a tradition with Apex, a lot of it was revealed early and possibly by accident.

Apex’s new cosmetics

The official Iron Crown Collection Apex Legends trailer dropped on Nvidia’s official United Arab Emirates Twitter account a good three hours before it did anywhere else. It’s not clear whether this was a deliberate leak. It’s just as likely that this was an official launch video that came out a couple of hours ahead of schedule. Either way, the trailer shows a ton of new content and changes coming to the game.

As you can see in the trailer below, almost all legends get event-specific, Medieval-styled skins. Bloodhound will either get an heirloom set, or their new skin has a custom melee weapon. Either way, they wield a vicious-looking, super-heating axe in the trailer. We figured they were next in line for an heirloom, but we were shooting for a machete.


Daredevil arena

The event also changes at least one part in Kings Canyon. The area between Thunderdome and Airbase will upgrade to a mix between a gladiatorial arena and a stadium. The space is reshaped and more open, with sports ramps and obstacles all over. You’ll also find flaming hoops to jump through.

Apex‘s new arena seems to be a nod to legend Octane and his background as a reckless stunt-performer. Considering the main feature of the event is the Solo mode, we believe it will see a lot of action. Either way, it will likely not remain as a permanent part of the map.

Apex Legends Iron Crown Collection event skins leak

The Iron Crown Collection event begins today at 10:00 a.m. PT, and it ends on Aug 27. Aside from the new cosmetics and map changes, it will feature limited event challenges. Apex Legends will also have a bonus XP weekend between Aug 16 and 18.

Stay tuned to Daily Esports for more Apex Legends news and content!
