No more "BLASTRALIS"? RFRSH Entertainment to part ways with Astralis
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In a report coming from HLTV, RFRSH Entertainment will break ties fully with last year’s CS:GO powerhouse, Astralis.

The CEO of RFRSH Entertainment, Nikolaj Nyholm, claims that teams belonging to RFRSH will soon separate from the company. These teams include Astralis as well as Origen, a well-known League of Legends team.

RFRSH wants to avoid a conflict of interest

Mr. Nyholm has clearly stated that “a tournament operator and a team should not have common ownership”. Astralis, being a part of RFRSH Entertainment, has been dubbed “BLASTRALIS” following accusations from fans, as well as media, for focusing on BLAST Pro Series tournaments, owned by RFRSH.

Properties of RFRSH Entertainment. Astralis and Origen will soon not be part of their properties list.

Allegedly, by the Starladder Major in Berlin, RFRSH and Astralis will soon be completely separated.


Some have suggested that Astralis’ failure to keep their #1 spot on the global leaderboards stems from the team prioritizing BLAST tournaments instead of diversifying their choice of tournaments to attend. Moreover, the format of Blast Pro Series tournaments has been despised by many. Focusing initially on many best-of-one matches and moving onto best-of-three matchups later, many fans and analysts have not praised this formula.

Astralis has not been having the best year in 2019. Apart from a very respectable achievement of winning the IEM Katowice Major in early March, the Danish giants have failed to show up at many events, leading to Team Liquid taking the #1 spot. Astralis, meanwhile, have dropped to #3 on the global ranking. Their exit in the semi-finals against Vitality at ESL One Cologne showed that their edge has somehow faded. This especially led to the term “BLASTRALIS” becoming viral.

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