5 things to practice while waiting for Season 2 of Apex Legends
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Season 2 of Apex Legends is coming. The leak floodgates are crashing open, speculation runs rampant, and Respawn is teasing us with cryptic hints. This is a wild and hectic time to be a fan of this game. That said, we are still two weeks away. Here are some productive things you can practice while you wait for Season 2!

1. Anger-management

A lot of new things will be added to Apex at the same time at the start of the season, which will most likely lead to new bugs. Probably a lot of them, if Season 1 was any indication. That can be frustrating, so take the time to practice some deep breathing techniques and preemptively find your center.

We will also have to contend with a lot of new and annoying strategies and tricks. Until players adjust and Respawn clears up any new exploits, it truly will be the wild frontier out there. Remember Bunker traps and the Wingman before the balance changes? Season 2 will definitely feature more fun stuff like that. Prepare your nerves.

Respawn is addressing the imbalance of power among current legends with this patch

2. Off-meta legends

With Wattson, Respawn intends to diversify the common Apex Legends strategies and introduce more static play. Whether they will be completely successful is uncertain, but the legend balance will be shaken up regardless. For one, we know at least one current legend will be buffed. Then there is obviously the addition of Wattson, with her unique skill set. This is a squad-based battle royale, and her interaction with current legends will definitely make for some new tricks.

Gibraltar’s Gun Shield recharges every time he uses a shield cell or battery – will Wattson’s Interception Pylon charge it too? Mirage’s clones reveal any enemy player who damage them – would sending one of them through a Perimeter Security fence reveal Wattson? Things like that will come to bear at the start of Season 2.

One Legend suddenly becoming much stronger can upset the entire power hierarchy of Apex Legends. If that happens, you don’t want to be stuck with 5,000 Lifeline games and no working knowledge of any other legends. Practice the full roster!

Apex Legends

3. The Mozambique

Yes, the Mozambique. Respawn has promised the shotgun will be “usable” in Season 2, so start using it. At the very least, practicing your skills with it is the most painful thing you can do to yourself, so you would be prepared for whatever new horrors Apex Legends Seasons 2 might throw our way.

If you don’t know where to begin, check out our Mozambique micro-guide.

4. Restraint

Apex Legends‘ oddly designed store has left most players sitting on massive stockpiles of Legend Tokens. Every once in a while a new exclusive cosmetic rolls around in the store, and you might feel tempted to grab it just because you can. When that happens, control your urges!

Don’t craft or buy anything unnecessarily, just to spend your in-game currency. Season 2 will bring loads of new cool cosmetics and even “new content categories.” You will also most likely need 1,000 Apex Coins to purchase the new Battle Pass.

Apex Legends Season 2 cosmetics

5. Communication

Beating Wattson’s bunker tactics will take a coordinated team effort. Running in all gung-ho and unprepared will doom you and your squad mates. You need to be on the same page with your squad more than ever against this new legend.

Between now and when Apex Legends launches Season 2, take time in every game to practice your communication skills. Whether it’s through pings or over voice chat, make your presence noticed. Give tips to new players, theory-craft anti-Wattson strategies, or be helpful and call out enemies and items. Communication is absolutely something we can all improve on.
