Brawlhalla season 11: everything that's coming - Upcomer
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The ever-growing brawler hit Brawlhalla enters its 11th season on Dec. 12. Enjoying a steady flow of new players, developers Blue Mammoth Games have had a good year. It’s no small secret why, either. Available for free on PC, Mac, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch, it’s a great alternative to Smash. It’s also the predominant game that non-Nintendo owners flock to when they’re craving some brawling action. Another key feature in its appeal is its cross-platform support, meaning anyone on any system can compete with friends on a different one. Brawlhalla also has a lot of exciting things coming up in its next season. Here’s what we can expect.

The hit brawler has a lot of stuff coming up its 11th season!

A new Legend has already dropped!

Leading season 11 is a new Legend who’s recently joined the Brawlhalla cast: Dusk. Hailing from the Fangwild, Dusk is a renegade sorcerer who wields a magical orb and spear to do battle. He’s described as being on a conquest to overthrow both Aelfheim and Asgard. His base stats are: 6 Strength, 7 Dexterity, 4 Defense, 5 Speed. He also comes with three fearsome new skins, fitting of his shamanic roots.

Dusk is a new Legend with a brand new weapon: the Orb.

He also brings with him a new weapon: the Orb. Dusk brought the Orb into Valhalla and molded it from stone and magic. With this weapon come new Brawlhalla mechanics as well. While utilizing the Down Air, this weapon bounces off hard surfaces such as platforms or walls. The devs state that while Dusk is the first Legend to wield the Orb, he will not be the last — more Legends will use it in the future.

Ranked season 11 brings new swag

This new season comes packed with new Borders, Avatars, and Glory for players to win for their achievements in season 10. For those just tuning into the brawler action, players use Glory in the Ranked section of the cash shop to get Weapon Skins and Colors for their Legends.

Warning: incoming ranked reset

Season 11 also brings a ranked reset. Ranked resets bridge the gap between brawler vets and newer or struggling players by resetting player Elo. Elo, for those unfamiliar with the term, is the rating system for Ranked mode in Brawlhalla. It’s used to find players of similar skill level in matchmaking queues. There are some exceptions. If a player’s 1v1 or 2v2 Elo is below 1400 by season’s end, their Elo stays the same.

Season 11 sees a reset in rank to bridge the gap between players young and old.

What else to expect in Brawhalla season 11

The beginning of season 11 allocates all the Glory from season 10. Glory is determined by a player’s Elo in matches. This Glory can be used to buy exclusive items for ranked such as Goldforged or Skyforged weapons and colors. Glory is only earned by participating in ranked 1v1s or 2v2s. Players can also earn Ranked Borders and Avatars. This is based on their Highest Peak Rating. These Borders will only last the season and will be gone once the season closes.

Brawlhalla is looking to see an exciting season 11. Its esports scene is looking pretty booming for this season as well. Are you playing Brawlhalla? Will you check out season 11 this winter? Let us know!