Broxah releases statement after CLG's elimination from LCS Summer 2021
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CLG jungler Mads “Broxah” Brock-Pedersen released a statement on Twitter after being recently eliminated from LCS Summer 2021. With CLG’s expectations for the LCS 2021 season, Broxah spoke up about his start with the organization. After mentioning how CLG couldn’t improve at the same rate as other teams, he stated that the losses piled up and the team worsened. Now, taking time to himself before the next split, Broxah looks to return to competitive play.

CLG’s expectations and their results

To put it simply, CLG has a roster that should’ve competed with the top teams in the LCS. For Broxah, moving from Team Liquid to CLG at the end of 2020 was an attempt to win the championship. As Broxah stated, “When I joined CLG, I legitimately believed that we had the pieces needed to show up in the LCS.”

Weeks before this statement, Broxah even talked in-depth about CLG issues and shared his perspective on Twitch. Broxah mentioned on Twitch how “it’s safe to say that I’ve been in a bit of a dark place mentally and emotionally.” He mentioned that he’s been lucky with his career so far, being to Worlds four times. He knew that CLG wasn’t expected to make the playoffs, which he was frustrated over.

“The losses have been hard to swallow, the scrims have been a bit of a mixed experience and I feel drained,” Broxah said, entering a League game on stream. Broxah said that the entire team expected to challenge for the top and that everyone was downtrodden due to losing so much. Before the season started, finishing in tenth place was unimaginable to them.

Broxah aims to return on CLG and improve

In the conclusion of his Twitter statement, Broxah was adamant about taking a break before returning to improve. He stated that he needs this break because, over his long career, he hasn’t taken time off for himself. Now, with a well-deserved rest, he can spend more time helping his mental state. CLG underperformed but Broxah didn’t want his career to end on that note.

Broxah All-star picture
Photo provided by Broxah. | Broxah after 2020 All-Stars.

“I still believe I have what it takes to be a top player again,” Broxah said, “and I hope to return next split to show that.”

Polish-Canadian game enthusiast. I've been entrenched in gaming for as long as I can remember, with my first game being Pokemon Yellow and my most played games being Borderlands 2 and Overwatch. I have a degree in Film Studies, but writing about esports just makes my job all the better.