TFT: Dragonlands is the official name for Teamfight Tactics set 7
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Riot Games surprised those watching the Teamfight Tactics Set Gizmos and Gadgets World Championship’s first day of competition on Friday by revealing the name of the game’s seventh set: TFT Dragonlands.

During the reveal, Riot reiterated that the Hextech Augment system that made its debut in TFT Gizmos and Gadgets will make its return with “a few more draconic tricks in store that are sure to hatch excitement.” Dragonlands will go live at the start of Patch 12.11 which makes its tentative release on June 8. Set 7 will hit the Public Beta Environment two weeks before that date on Tuesday, May 24.

Players got their first teaser for Dragonlands back in January during the last TFT Dev Drop. In that video, Riot Games gave players an update on what was coming to TFT in 2022, including an unexpected sneak peek into set 7 before even set 6.5’s release. They didn’t show a ton of information back in January outside of mentioning a dragon-theme and returning augments.

Riot also showed a sneak peek at one of the champions that is likely to join TFT Dragonlands: Illaoi. She seemed to be a five-cost champion based on the spell shown in the video, which looked similar to her ultimate ability in League of Legends. In the Dev Drop Video, she spawned 16 tentacles that slammed toward the middle of the map.

As part of the teasers for TFT Dragon Lands, players get something special in TFT Patch 12.9 with the introduction of Treasure Dragon eggs. These eggs are not a mechanic in TFT Dragonlands and are just purely in the next patch as a thematic teaser.

ASU alum with a B.A in Sports Journalism, Warren is one of the premier TFT Journalists in the scene and is a decent TFT player as well who has peaked Challenger and has had multiple accounts in Master+ over all sets. Warren also specializes in other esports content including League of Legends, Valorant, Smash Bros, and more.