Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle has an insane amount of recoil in Vanguard
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On Monday night, a Season 1 update went live in Call of Duty: Vanguard that prematurely added some content to the game. While this content isn’t available in online multiplayer, it can be accessed through custom games.

This is how players discovered that the new game mode, Control, is completely busted. Players were also able to use the new weapons coming with Season 1 — the Cooper Carbine and Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle. Naturally, players loaded up a custom game to try out the new weapons with different loadouts.

The reviews aren’t too positive for the Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle, though. In fact, players discovered that the sniper features an extremely slow aim down sights time and some of the worst recoil in Vanguard.

The Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle possesses recoil galore

The Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle is unlike any other sniper rifle currently in Vanguard. It’s slow to aim in, doesn’t have much mobility and kicks straight up in the air when players fire it. This was on full display when a Redditor posted their experience with the sniper.

The new sniper is just great
byu/ecchinuggi inCODVanguard

The player in the clip aims in with the Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle and proceeds to fire off successive shots until they’re out of ammo. At the end of the firing spree, the player is looking straight up at the sky. The recoil appears to be more realistic than other weapons in Vanguard.

Reddit users in the comments compared the sniper rifle to the Barrett .50 Cal from previous Call of Duty titles. They even tested the gun’s fastest ADS time, which came in at around 600 milliseconds. This is on par with the Barrett from previous games. It also appears the Season 1 sniper features a similar damage profile to the Barrett, being a one-shot kill from the chest and up.

If players can hit their first shot with the Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle, then they might get some easy one-shot kills. However, if they have to fire consecutive shots, things might get difficult.

Season 1 of Vanguard and Warzone Pacific launches on Wednesday.

Joey Carr is a full-time writer for multiple esports and gaming websites. He has 7+ years of experience covering esports and traditional sporting events, including DreamHack Atlanta, Call of Duty Championships 2017, and Super Bowl 53.
