PUBG introduces highly anticipated Training Mode with its very own 2x2 map
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Following the “FIX PUBG” campaign, PUBG Corp has introduced a long-awaited Training Mode to the mix. PUBG first announced the new mode on its Steam release notes and the official Twitter account.

What is Training Mode?

In the upcoming mode, 5-20 players can queue and explore a brand new 2x2km map specific to training. Currently featured on the Miramar-styled map are: a race track, off-road track, stunt ramps, and melee and shooting targets. There are also areas for players to practice peeking, vaulting, and close-quarters combat.

What can you do on the new map?

The map is designed merely for the purpose of training and will only be in the new mode. The map will not be available alongside Sanhok, Erangel, and Miramar as it’s not intended for a competitive mode.

The main reason for Training Mode is to allow players to practice their skills to increase their chances on the battlefield. Players can practice parachuting, looting, driving, shooting, and navigation.

The new mode will be available on the test servers within the next couple of weeks.

However, PUBG Corp did mention in the release notes that the new mode is still in active development, therefore, the current features may be amended or removed in future updates.

As for the Xbox updates, the PUBG Xbox team is working on releasing the new mode as soon as possible, announcing it on Twitter as a “big priority.”

While Training Mode will arrive first on PC, bringing it to the Xbox version of PUBG as soon as possible is a big priority for us. The PUBG Xbox team is working hard on this now and we will make sure to update you with release plans when we have them.

Xbox players are also awaiting certain updates regarding game performance and new weapons. More details on the Xbox updates will be covered in a future post.

What do you think of the new training mode? Let us know in the comments, we’d love to hear from you! You can also check out our other PUBG coverage here.