How to grab your opponents in Knockout Bash - Upcomer
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Rocket League has a few fun game modes that provide a creative spin on the car-soccer hybrid. One of the most popular is Knockout Bash, which has players competing in a shrinking circle. To win Knockout Bash, players have to knock other players outside of the safe zone by using tricks and grabs.

If you want to win in Knockout Bash, you need to master the grab. Here’s how to utilize the grabbing mechanic to stay ahead of the competition.

Smash Into Spring With Knockout Bash! | Rocket League® - Official Site

How to grab in Knockout Bash

If you want to send opponents flying and disrupt their positioning, the grab is extremely necessary. You’ll need to learn how to grab correctly to win the entire match. So here’s how to grab in Knockout Bash:

  1. Press and hold the grab button
  2. Simultaneously dodge an incoming enemy attack

By getting this timing down, you’ll not only grab your opponent but send them hurtling through the air.

What is the grab button in Rocket League?

A lot of Rocket League players will customize their hotkey layout, but here are the default grab buttons for each system:

  • PC: Left Shift
  • PlayStation: L2
  • Xbox: LT